Defensible Space
Does your property have defensible space?
Effective January 1, 2008 California requires property owners living in areas with high fire hazard severity to have 100ft of reduced vegetation surrounding any home. We specialize in wildfire hazard reduction. Our fuels management program offers a full suite of hazardous fuels reduction options including mechanical thinning and brush mastication.

We Offer
Professional Wildfire Hazard Reduction Services
We offer services to people living in wildfire-prone areas. We use our experience as wildland firefighters to implement projects that strategically remove brush and small trees around homes, infrastructure, and other assets - reducing potential wildfire intensities, without creating a moonscape.
Qualified Personnel
We can provide you with the personnel and equipment that best meets your needs. Our operators understand the complexities of project design and have a strong background in resource management and environmental compliance. We have decades of fire experience, working in the woods, and are skilled at recognizing and avoiding riparian zones, wetlands and cultural sites. Our projects emphasize careful thinning with an objective of reducing potential fire intensities around assets at risk.
We offer state of the art Fecon FTX 150 masticators. These machines are purpose built for mastication work in the commercial and residential setting and are unparallel in their horsepower and technology.